Profile PictureRobert Schwarztrauber


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The Swiss Army Knife Like Tool For:

Influencers, Marketers, Copywriters, Salespeople, Artists, Crafters, Creators, Speakers, Teachers, Coaches or anyone who wants to influence people.

Use this tool kit and get results.

This all-in-one tool is the fastest and easiest way to create messages which persuade people to take action.

If you want them to buy, or act, or do something, start with this fill-in-the-blanks tool and create powerful custom tailored messages for your target audience.

The above picture and 8 other fill-in-the-blank pages are all you need to create action-taking promotions, emails, sales letters, even videos and reels.

Use the PERSUASION TOOL KIT (PTK) to create knee-jerk positive reactions to your messages, promotions and sales.

The PTK is designed around powerful methods of persuasion which allow you to take control of your audience's thoughts and lead them to the reaction you want them to have.

These methods include:

  • Robert Cialdini's 7 principles of INFLUENCE
  • Abraham Maslow's pyramid of human needs and wants
  • Super Salesman Elmer Wheeler and his TESTED Sentences That Sell
  • Cult Investigator Blair Warren and his FORBIDDEN SECRETS
  • Author Roy Garn and the work; The Magical Power of EMOTIONAL APPEAL

You could spend many months, years even, learning all the methods and strategies these and other works contain. OR, you just use the PERSUASION TOOL KIT and in a matter of minutes you will be able to identify:

  1. What the major human PREOCCUPATIONS are (and how to break them)
  2. How to gain and keep the attention of your audience
  3. Where you meet your audience determines what you say to them
  4. Why pain is more powerful than pleasure, in MOST cases, learn the exceptions
  5. When to conclude your message at the exact right time

Famous copywriter and influencer Gary Halbert once said, “Build your food stand in the middle of a starving crowd”.

Well that just makes sense, doesn't it?

If you are selling something, you want eager and ready-to-spend-money BUYERS, right?

The same is true for ideas, or even politics, as we all know today. The right message to the right audience has made many men and women quite wealthy by simply LOUDLY sharing their opinions.

You don't have to be loud. You don't need to yell, scream or shout at anyone to get their attention. You simply use the time-tested and proven methods that have worked for decades to influence and persuade people to do as you tell them to do.

The PERSUASION TOOL KIT will let you influence with stealth. Below the radar.

The PTK will automatically create the right ideas for you to use to get your audience to respond, and they will respond exactly as you tell them to.

WHY is the PERSUASION TOOL KIT so powerful? Mainly because it makes you think about your target audience. Instead of thinking about selling them or making them do something, think about WHAT IS IN IT FOR THEM?

An old copywriting idea is, enter the conversation already taking place in their minds.

But do you know what it is? Most don't know. The PTK was designed to give you a telescope view right into their inner most thoughts. Don't you think you would do better with people if you knew what they were thinking? Of course you would.

And here is the best part.

It is only ten dollars. It is the best spend of ten dollars you will ever make. You couldn't buy a new book for that, let alone get the distilled wisdom from masters of persuasion and influence like Warren, Ciadini, Wheeler and others.

Now we don't use fake scarcity. No phony time clocks counting down, no order by midnight crapola. You either want to possess the PTK or you don't. Why not wait until a hundred, no wait until 1,000 other people own it and wait for their opinions.

If in a year, or a few months, you choose to quit struggling with your promotions, messages, emails, ads, or blog posts and decide you are THEN willing to spend the 10 dollars, we will, hopefully, have it available.

So, no hurries, no worries.

You want to get the PERSUASION TOOL KIT or you don't, fair enough?

If you do, DO IT NOW.

Thank you!


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You'll get the instant download PDF including proven persuasion secrets, pictogram for understanding the persuasion, sales, and marketing process - and product choice worksheets.

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